Chicago High Class Escorts, Models and VIP Companions

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high class international escorts, models and vip companions
Thank you for your interest. To work with us you are required to supply a state-issued ID, social security card or proof of social security number, and proof of address.

Please photocopy the above required information, include your photo, a brief introduction and phone number where you can be reached. You may scan and email this to us, or call for our fax number.

The owners will contact you if they are interested.


Just as a fashion model receives far less work and lower deals without an agency behind her to negotiate and promote her, and to guide her career, so a quality adult entertainer will succeed with appropriate representation. Most quality agencies spend a considerable sum promoting their staff with websites & print advertising internationally, providing and training specialists to carefully select clientele for you, and weed out the rif raf. Just the selection process alone would quickly erode the fresh quality of a young model working alone. How tasteless to negotiate your own packages and fees, bargaining like a second-hand car salesperson..

We charge a fee to maintain the value of your image, the integrity and quality of the service, and to discourage the average joe, keeping you exclusive to only the finest clientele - just as a designer or quality car manufacturer might market their business to retain the integrity of their brand name, so a client knows girls from a reputable agency will be guaranteed quality - one would never compare a simple leather bag to Louis Vuitton, or a Mercedes to a basic run-around vehicle - and one is happy to pay more for the guarantee of quality. Best of all, if there is a problem with the service of an agency model, the gentleman has someone to complain to, and will usually receive compensation if the model has been negligent. There is no such guarantee with an independent woman, and men of higher quality know this.

There is no reason to work without this protection and higher income, except for undesirable lifestyle (unreliability, dishonesty, drugs etc) or greed, making it difficult for the individual to hold a position in a quality agency; ironically, those who think they can keep 'all their money' by working alone, end up making far less - you would see far more men and spend far more hours accumulating it than you would with agency clients... smart women work with an agency, and understand it's a team effort, working together with the agency, not for the agency.

With clients knowing you have security behind you, there is less tendency for them to 'see how far they can go' - having to fend off some potentially difficult clients takes away from your freshness, your femininity, and your 'unaffected' demeanor. It's all done for you with an agency. We hate to think of ladies having to deal with these situations themselves, it is a sorry situation to be in. Women are generally naturally giving, and men are usually more prone to taking as much as they can comfortably negotiate - the girl ends up giving more than she is comfortable with, and this affects her exclusivity and freshness.

Understandably, there are some very low class agencies around who may give some girls the wrong idea, but they have simply chosen the wrong agency. With a quality agency, the model is protected from all this low class treatment and nasty experiences; however, if one has a problem showing up on time, maintaining sobriety or providing the standard of service set by the agency, then of course there is no other avenue than to work alone... our sympathy goes out to these women, as they will never be able to hold any other position in life - every position of responsibility requires promptness, adhering to standards and a clean lifestyle.

Arizona, Aspen, Atlanta, Austin, Boca Raton, Boise, Boston, Cambridge, Canada, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Colorado, Columbus, Dallas, Dayton, Denver, Detroit, Fort Lauderdale, Hawaii, Houston, Kansas City, Key Biscayne, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Martha's Vineyard, Miami, Michigan, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Nantucket, New England, New Orleans, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Orlando, Palm Beach, Park City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, Reno, St Louis, St Paul, St Petersburg, Sacramento, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, Scottsdale, Seattle, South Carolina, South Beach, South Florida, Sun Valley, Tampa, Tempe, Toronto, Tucson, Vancouver, Washington
Bahamas St Maarten St Martin Turks Caicos Anguilla Aruba Jamaica Puerto Rico Hawaii Brussels Belgium London Paris Deauville Cannes Marseille Monaco Monte Carlo St.-Tropez Nice Cote d'Azur Riviera Orly France UK Bruxelles Belgique England United Kingdom Gatwick Heathrow Anvers Amsterdam Antwerp Rotterdam Netherlands Nederland Holland Schiphol Benelux Dubai Brunei Middle East Marbella Barcelona Mallorca Malaga Palma Tenerife Madrid Spain Lisbon Kopenhagen Helsinki Stockholm Goteborg Oslo Bergen Frankfurt Hamburg Dusseldorf Munich Stuttgart Berlin Germany Deutschland Geneve Geneva Basel Courchevel Davos Gstaad Zermatt Zurich Switzerland Suisse Rome Roma Milan Milano Turin Venice Italy Italia Vienna Salzburg Austria Athens Prague Israel Tel Aviv Jerusalem Europe Beijing Tokyo Singapore Hong Kong Japan